Monday, November 16, 2009

If they made a site which was a mix between myspace and face book and they called it my face?

would it be wrong to ask people if they could sit on my face all day ?

If they made a site which was a mix between myspace and face book and they called it my face?
ROFLMFAO, I love your working out there! It would be perfectly acceptable lol xx
Reply:no it would be called spaceface
Reply::)))))))) heheee.....that's a good one.... yeah, we would sit on YOUR face all the day, do all kind of things on it..... and who knows what nasty things will appear on YOUR face..... it would be fun to say i'm posting stuff on my face....:))))))))) great idea, should start doing that site....
Reply:Haha! That's good. Or Space face would be funny too.
Reply:I would want to call it Your FACE!!!!!
Reply:I would probably go not interested with those places as a separate ..but you made it awfully enticing!!!!! heheheheehe..

does that mean i get to "blog"on your face???
Reply:My mom says that all the time because she can never remember the difference, it's so funny.
Reply:It'll probably be the next big thing!
Reply:they would call it mybookspace


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