Friday, November 13, 2009

Tell me what is so special about face book ?

I have heard that face book is the greatest. some say its better than my space.I decided to check it out today and i dont what the fuss is about . i searched the profiles they all had a photo but very little about the person and not much els. Tell me what is so special about face book ?

Tell me what is so special about face book ?
i think less ads than myspace and very nice layouts than myspace so facebook rocks.
Reply:Its not as cluttered as MySpace and everything looks more organized. Also there are cool apps that allow you to better interact with your friends. The wall also is also better configured as in the wall - to - wall with friends.
Reply:beats me....i checked it out but prefer myspace its more user friendly
Reply:i like facebook because you use you name, and you cant tell who everyone is, and you can find more people on it...
Reply:Its more safe than myspace
Reply:It's safe, has a great spam policy and isn't clutterd. Also facebook has apps so you can play games with your friends, through sheep at them or share videos on things like fun wall.

It's also has groups/events which no-one seems to use on myspace and you can see who is a member of a fan club without having to look thorugh all their friends. The only thing i think facebook could improve is their "bulletins" as myspace bulletins seem to be much much more popular
Reply:facebook is a lot more organized and with the profiles you can see everything about them if you add them as your friend or if they have an open profile.
Reply:Facebook is good and another place to social network..They are all like clucbs..Some are cool and easyto navigate and others are not so!!
Reply:I am a myspacer and I too am wondering whether to join facebook. The only thing is, I wonder if the same people who were on myspace have now decided to join facebook. Then, it will somehow seem like I am starting all over again. doh!!!
Reply:organized, applications which let you do a variety of different things... (quizzes, games, photo editing, You can be rated) etc...

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