Friday, November 13, 2009

Who is on face book?

just woundering how many of you people are on face book

Who is on face book?
Don't go there !

It is soooooo addictive.

you will never be the same again. LOL
Reply:Me too %26amp; MySpace. Great way of keeping in contact with friends etc
Reply:Yes but I think its rubbish. Myspace is way better and you can design your profiles properly, which you can't do on Facebook
Reply:not me.but i'm on bebo and myspace :P
Reply:facebook and myspace :)
Reply:Im on there but i never get on... i dont really like it that much... i like myspace!
Reply:not me...sorry....but i did hear that theres alot of kiddie hunters in there....panroma last careful out there....
Reply:i am! and i have 340 friends.

i LOVE facebook hahaha.
Reply:me and some fellas

Reply:I am :) I've been contacted by tons of people I hadn't spoken to in a long time. It's pretty cool!
Reply:not me
Reply:not me
Reply:not me
Reply:I am and my daughter is, I have 11 friends on it and they are all family, my daughter has about 120, I don't go on it very often.
Reply:I am, but I don't go on often.
Reply:yes,but vert rarely use it
Reply:Not me, should I be?
Reply:not me or my daughter
Reply:I am.
Reply:Me my boyfriend, and basicaly the whole of my family apart from my dad, he's a bit old fashion.
Reply:i am

havent used it much since break
Reply:I am.
Reply:Me, but i rarely use it... i just joined because my sister wanted me to.
Reply:I'm on it.
Reply:im a facebook fiend!!!!!

am always on there.

yay fb!!!!

Visual C++

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